Product Range (WA only)
International Hardwall
Bradys International Hardwall mixes easily with water to form a lightweight interior plaster render.
WhiteSet UltraHard Premix
This plaster has been formulated to provide the ideal finish to Bradys International Hardwall.
Setting Plaster
This plaster has been formulated for use by plasterers in conjunction with Bradys International Hardwall Plaster.
Specialty Range
SuperFine Plaster
This plaster has been especially formulated for fine work and is ideal for making moulds that require a very fine, hard and smooth finish.
Casting Plaster
This plaster has been formulated for general purpose modeling and manufacture of plaster products.
Dental UltraFine Plaster
This plaster has been especially formulated for fine work and is ideal for making moulds and orthopaedic castings that require a very fine, hard and smooth finish.