About Us
Bradys Plaster Products

With a reputation as Western Australia's leading supplier of quality plaster compounds for over 70 years, it comes as no surprise that Bradys plasters and compounds have been specially formulated for the professional plasterer who is looking for a lightweight and superior product.

Extremely easy to mix, work and apply, Bradys plasters and compounds provide an excellent bond with either traditional clay bricks or aerated concrete blocks.

We have reduced the risk of product tampering and wastage which means that Bradys plasters and compounds will also significantly improve on site cleanliness, reduce time delays and lessen demanding labour requirements.

Bradys plasters and compounds are suitable for all residential and commercial requirements.Bradys proven manufacturing techniques along with world class plant, equipment and facilities ensures that all plasters and compounds meet the stringent demands of regulatory bodies throughout Australia.

The company's pursuance of excellence also ensures Bradys plasters and compounds are of a premium quality.

Please note that Bradys' products are only available in Western Australia.