CQ PlastaMasta Hervey Bay

24 Driftwood Court
Urangan QLD 4655
P: (07) 2139 5838
E: hbay.plastamasta@cqtrade.com.au
W: https://cqtrade.com.au/
Opening Times
Monday - Friday
6.30 AM - 4.30 PM
Our other locations:
CQ PlastaMasta Bundaberg |
CQ PlastaMasta Rockhampton |
About Us

The business started in Gladstone Queensland in May 2002 when a frame and truss plant was established. To service builders better we quickly grew into providing a timber and hardware trade range of products. By 2004 we established a frame and truss plant in Bundaberg as well as a timber and hardware merchant warehouse. By 2005 we expanded into Hervey Bay and by 2007 into the Brisbane market. Today, to be more efficient and to deliver cheaper prices to our customers we have consolidated our manufacturing operations in Bundaberg but still service areas from Brisbane to Rockhampton.
The key to our success is the quality of people we employ with a combined knowledge and experience of over 700 years. We are also part of the NatBuild buying group who have combined sales of greater than a billion dollars, therefore we can offer very competitive prices.
The business, although geared to supply and support the building trade, also welcomes the public with their small or large DIY/reno projects. We are more than happy to support them with our technical experience throughout the entire project.
CQ Building Supplies have survived major competition, economic downturns, storms and floods. We have supported the local community, maintained our reputation for service and customer satisfaction. We will continue to expand our services and range to builders and welcome any feedback on how to improve the business.