VPBS Bendigo

6 Adam Street
West Bendigo VIC 3550
P: (03) 5443 6455
E: sales@vpbsbendigo.com.au
W: vpbs.com.au
Opening Times
Monday - Friday
7.00 AM - 5.00 PM
About Us

Full Range of Products and Locations
We can provide a full range of products from a number of suppliers, including Siniat Plasterboard, Siniat Metal, Siniat Compounds, Fletcher Insulation, Autex and Consolidated Energy.
We are dedicated to providing superior customer service. When you come to us with a project, we really listen. We take the time to understand your ideas and requirements and this allows us to be 100% committed to meeting your expectations.
With PlastaMasta Bayswater servicing the Eastern and Southern Suburbs, VPBS Westside servicing the City and Western Suburbs, and VPBS Bendigo servicing Bendigo and the North Central region of Victoria, we have the facility to supply throughout the state.