GIB X-block®

The GIB X-block® system consists of a unique lead-free plasterboard and jointing compound designed for X-ray radiation protection. The lead-free plasterboard contains barium sulphate which forms an effective barrier against X-ray radiation. 

The jointing compound used on the GIB X-block® plasterboard is designed to give lead equivalent joints on walls and ceilings and it provides a uniform X-ray radiation barrier.

The GIB x-block® system also offers high sound insulation performance.

Further information


  • The GIB X-block® system consists of GIB X-block® plasterboard and jointing compound.
  • Provides X-ray radiation protection in X-ray diagnostic rooms within medical facilities, dental clinics and veterinary clinics.
  • Mainly used in walls and operator barriers, but it may also be used as a ceiling lining.


  • Lead-free X-ray radiation protection
  • As easy to install and joint as standard plasterboard
  • Eliminates the need for the complex installation procedures usually associated with installing lead-based lining solutions
  • Enhances performance requirements such as noise control

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